- Sharif Tax Service
- Tel: (917) 547-7298
- Tel: (917) 858-8249
- Tel: (646) 427-2814
- Email: sqalam718@gmail.com
37-42 72nd Street, Suite # 1B,
Jackson Heights, NY 11372

Tax Appointment Checklist
Quick Contact
Helpful Links
Tax Appointment Checklist
Personal information -
- Last years income tax if you are a new client
- Name, address, Social Security number and Date of Birth for yourself, spouse and dependents
- Dependent Provider, Name, Address, Tax ID and S.S.N.
- Banking information if Direct Deposit Required
Income Data Required -
- Wages and/or Unemployment
- Interest and/or Dividend Income
- State/Local income tax refunded
- Social Assistance Income
- Pension/Annuity/Stock or Bond Sales
- Contract/Partnership/Trust/Estate Income
- Gambling/Lottery Winnings and Losses/Prizes/Bonus
- Alimony Income
- Rental Income
- Self Employment/Tips
- Foreign Income